Cette visite guidée hivernale est parfaite pour découvrir le Vieux-Québec, son histoire et ses charmes en plein hiver. Profitez de la ville nordique la plus pittoresque d’Amérique du Nord grâce à des pauses au chaud pendant la visite guidée.
Vous allez découvrir des lieux chargés d’une histoire fascinante dans un cadre féerique. Vous verrez certains des principaux attraits du cœur historique de la Ville de Québec. Comme les célèbres Place royale, Château Frontenac, Hôtel de Ville et les cathédrales (catholique et anglicane). Puisque c’est une visite saisonnière, proposée l’hiver seulement, nous nous focaliserons sur l’influence de la saison froide sur les évènements historiques, la culture locale et l’architecture.
La visite hivernale du Vieux-Québec a lieu à l’extérieur, dans les rues pittoresques du Vieux-Port et du Petit Champlain (Basse-Ville) et du Vieux-Québec (Haute-Ville), mais nous ferons des arrêts pour se réchauffer.
Pour vous donner un aperçu, voici quelques sujets hivernaux abordés : Bonhomme Carnaval et le plus grand carnaval hivernal du monde, l’impact du pont de glace sur l’économie, le canot à glace, le siège de 1775 avec Benedict Arnold…
- Le Musée de la civilisation ne vend aucun billet pour la visite guidée hivernale, ce n’est que le lieu de départ du tour.
- Veuillez vous habiller chaudement. Même si nous ferons des pauses au chaud, nous passerons la majeure partie du temps dehors. L’hiver ici est très froid et venteux.
Comment y aller ?
Le Musée de la Civilisation a deux entrées: une sur la rue Dalhousie et l’autre sur la rue Saint-Pierre. Le lieu de rencontre se situe à l’intérieur du musée, à côté de La Boutique du musée, donc côté rue Saint-Pierre.
Expérience très enrichissante. Xavier nous a fait partagé son amour de la ville de Québec. Je recommande vivement.
Par Jean Jacques (France) sur Airbnb (2019)Xavier was very knowledgeable, respectful, engaging and went the extra mile to ensure we were all comfortable during this very chilly walking tour. He was also knew the answer to every question we threw at him along the way. Highly recommended. A great way to explore the beautiful city.
Par Steve (Ontario) sur Airbnb (2019)Xavier is very knowledgeable about Quebec and its people. He is a pleasant person and made our experience enjoyable.
Par Kenneth (Michigan) sur Airbnb (2019)Reasonably priced. Helpful for historical background and orienting yourself of where you’d like to spend more time independently
Par Michelle (Michigan) sur Airbnb (2019)Xavier is very knowledgeable and welcoming in his tour. He personalized stories and recommendations for us to fit our interests and heritages. Would highly recommend it on your first day or two so you can know where you'd like to return later.
Par Mitch (Michigan) sur Airbnb (2019)Xavier is a fantastic guide with a wealth of knowledge about Quebec City’s history and culture. The weather was extremely cold the day of my tour, but he had sent lots of useful information on how to dress/prepare for 2 hours outside in the Quebec winter. He checked on our group’s comfort level frequently and planned a route with well-timed stops inside to warm up. My group was small, and Xavier tailored some parts of the tour to highlight aspects of the city that we would find interesting based on our individual professions. I especially liked his style of guiding, which was inclusive and interactive and encouraged us to participate. He also had a great sense of humor. I would love to do another tour with him sometime!
Par Amelia (Vermont) sur Airbnb (2019)What a wonderful and personalised tour of the highlights of Quebec City. Xavier was a caring and knowledgeable host who had a wealth of knowledge to share with us. Thank you for a lovely walk around Quebec, we are so glad we did this tour! Ps. Thank you for the food recommendations, we are ticking them off one by one !
Par Amy (Australia) sur Airbnb (2019)Xavier is an excellent host. He's very passionate and knowledgeable about the history of Quebec, and he really takes you through some great areas of the city. He's very conscious and caring when it comes to the cold weather, as he stopped inside a few times to warm up. I'd highly recommend using his tour if you're interested in Quebec history.
Par Pat (New York City) sur Airbnb (2019)Xavier is a friendly and warm person even though he enjoys Quebecois minus zero temperatures somehow! He was very kind and knowledgeable explaining in detail some historical and cultural facts about all the places we visited including some fun facts as well, he even had a surprise for us at the end of our tour 🙂 I enjoyed his walking tour around old Quebec very much! I would definitely recommend my friends this experience when visiting this area!!
Par Yanina (Mexico) sur Airbnb (2019)Thank you Xavier. I decided to visit here again in 2020 again to know other part of Qurbec city.
Par 동민 (Seoul) sur Airbnb (2019)
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